July 18, 2024 -- Michiana Calligraphy Guild
We had a very enjoyable virtual meeting on July 13,
2024. We are looking forward to our MCGAnnual Picnic
in August and have decided to do a handmade bookmark exchange with those who signed
up. We have a great suggestion for a demonstration to do at one of our future
meetings. This leads us to realized our
fiscal year is almost over. If anyone
has any other demo suggestions, we would love to hear them.
Annual Dues are to be paid by August 3rd. We are still keeping them at only $20.
Traci has our Instagram account up and going. Even though we have just started, we are so
pleased with the number of people who are now following us. If you are interested, you can find us at mcg_1990. We have lots more to share in the upcoming
For this meeting we choose to not plan a demonstration but
leave extra time for visiting and enjoying the Show ‘n Tell of our creative
members. So, what have you been up to
this summer? You need to join our Guild
to see them all. Here are just a

Pat is just amazing! She made this 5 x 7 birthday card based on an enhanced picture she took from a dragon book. All the details and painting of this art show her talent.
Angela is another one of our members that enjoys making special handmade cards for her family and friends. The second birthday card she cut out letters in the shape of flag, woven with cutouts letters
on top of the weaving.
watercolor washes with ink scripts using Mary Oliver quotes. Used walnut ink to
lighten a bright green watercolor, interesting color reactions. Played with
adding other colors with saran wrap technique to manage bleed through and
brightness of a color she didn’t prefer.MCG CALENDAR FOR 2024 (subject to change if necessary)
August 3, 2024 – Guild meeting; Picnic at Renee’s
home. Bookmark exchange.
September 7, 2024 – Guild meeting
October 5, 2024 – Guild meeting
November 2, 2024 – Guild meeting
December 7, 2024 - Guild Christmas Party; Virtual
meeting 10am–Noon. Lunch following at Rocky River. Ornament exchange.
Submitted by Judy T