My email was hacked! I have had the hotmail email for twenty years and it was attached to everything! What a nightmare! I made a list – tried going through it item by item and still I missed things and would wake up in the middle of the night remembering something I missed. Didn’t realize how many groups and organizations I belonged to! How much trouble it was changing everything to the new email. The last couple of months I felt like a hostage to my computer. I am a pretty careful person, I don’t click on any links sent to my email, USUALLY. But this one was so authentic looking and it was from my email provider; or so I thought. With in a half hour my husband received an email from me stating I was sick and needed groceries and I could no longer receive any emails. So be careful out there, my hacker was listed as being from Nigeria.
Amid all the chaos I still am addicted to Zoom classes. I signed up for a dozen classes in the past 3 months. Heather Held, Suzanne Cunningham, Barbara Close, Harvest Crittenden, Jen Sweeney and Laurie Doctor to name a few. The latest with Mike Kecseg on his pointed blackletter and pointed uncial. I keep telling myself to slow down and then I see a new class and I am lost.
On February 26 our guild lost one of our members, Maureen Trubac a dear and very talented woman passed away. There is no one as friendly or as generous as Maureen, she will be missed by all of us.
Anyway onward and upward!
January 2, 2021 Meeting:
Normally we do not have meetings in January but since we are mostly housebound and using Zoom we decided to do it.
QUOTE: Do more that belong; participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe; practice. Do more than be fair; be kind. Do more than forgive; forget. Do more than dream; work. – William Arthur Ward
We set up a few demos, discussed group projects for the coming year such as our August Picnic and Christmas exchanges.
Show and Tell always a treasure of inspiration for all.
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Angela Michielutti |
Book by Juergan Vercaemst purchased by Linda Elder
February 6, 2021 Meeting
QUOTE: Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy; to follow but not to imitate; to praise but not to flatter; and to lead but not manipulate – William Arthur Ward.
Amity Parks workshop is on hold, we may to it virtually, Ginny is looking into this and will let us know.
Excitement for the guild, Ginny VanderHey, Anna Schlemma and Pat West had work featured in an article in Letter Arts Review #34.4!
I did a demo with the wedge brush, using the technique taught by Jen Sweeney. I made my Christmas cards this past year using Jen’s technique.
Show and tell!
March 6, 2021
QUOTE: “Honor the friendship that allows you to pick up from where you last left off, regardless of how long it’s been since you connected. The friendships that survive hiatuses, silences and space, those are the connections that never die”. – Billy Chapata
We lost a dear and treasured member, Maureen Trubac. She was a very talented and generous artist. Maureen, was a long time member and much loved by all.
We welcomed back to our little group Barbara Fedder, so wonderful to have you back Barbara!
Angie West gave us a wonderful demo on Suminigashi marbling. Bad news is that with all the chaos in her day Renee accidentally deleted the video. Those of us in attendance had a wonderful time, unfortunately I was not able to share this.
Show and tell.
Around 1994 I took a class in calligraphy at the Elkhart Career Center which opened up a whole new world of art to me. Soon after that, I joined the Michiana Calligraphy Guild and continued to take classes with Anne Binder, Karen Pilzer, Alice Hoover, and more. It was in Alice’s class one weekend that I heard someone talking behind me and recognized that pure New York accent. I turned around and there was Maureen Trubac, and we chatted briefly about our time on the East Coast. Her husband, Ed, was a professor at Notre Dame University and they had been living in Granger since the early 70’s.
Maureen and I took workshops with the guild after that and in 2000 we both took the year-long Reggie Ezell class at the South Bend Art Museum. Maureen was a lefty, which made calligraphy for her a bit harder, but her work was beautiful. After the Reggie class, a study group was started and we met twice a month. Maureen and I were both officers for several years in our guild and worked well together, which gave us more time to chat. Somewhere along the line, Anna Schlemma, Maureen and I would get together at one of our homes to work on calligraphy, share books or just chat. We called these our “Art Play Days”. It would be like a make it/take day with various techniques we wanted to share with one another.
Pat West joined us a few years later when she retired from working at Bayer. Pat remembers meeting Maureen at the Reggie class and that she would give great care and thought to her planned-out process and learned a lot from her. When Pat’s husband Don passed away, Maureen and Ed came to Don’s viewing and Pat was very surprised and honored to see them there. Pat always enjoyed Maureen’s critiquing which was always done in a positive and supportive was. Maureen had art training and also taught classes at Notre Dame.
I remember going to Maureen’s house so she could help me with drawing, which I really wanted to do but my brain would not cooperate with. She was generous with her time, supplies, and knowledge. When she and Ed moved to St. Mary’s after Ed’s health was declining, I helped her sort through some of her calligraphy supplies and was fortunate to receive some of her paper, paints, and books. I loved sitting next to Maureen at workshops to glean her knowledge of color, which I did not have but knew that she could suggest things to me and I would put them into action.
Maureen was a dear friend and I am close to tears as I write this. I remember clearly on the day I read Facebook to learn of Maureen’s passing when her daughter Corinne wrote on Maureen’s page. I was shocked and saddened; I couldn’t talk to anyone about it all day. I miss you more than words can say, Maureen and hope that you and Ed are happy in Heaven’s paradise. When I am in my art room, I can always find you in books, cards, and broadsides that you gave to me along with the beautiful watercolor Kingfisher that you painted for my home in Florida that I see every day as I walk to my bedroom. Thank you for all the love and encouragement that you gave to me and to others and for that I will always be grateful and blessed.
Ginny VanderHey
April 3: Show your Workspace
May 1: Your favorite tool
June 5:
July 10:
August 7:
September 11 : Labor Day is Sept. 6
October 2:
November 6:
December 4:
These are websites from a previous post that I thought would be nice to re-run.
Heather Held - https://heathervictoriaheld.com/
Maria Helena Hoksch - https://calligraphybymariahelena.com/
European Pointed Pen Collective - https://www.pointedpencollective.com/
Harvest Crittenden – Acorn Arts - https://acornartsclasses.org/
Nina Tran - http://anintran.com/
Gemma Black- http://www.gemmablack.com/
Ardington Academy - https://www.ardingtonacademy.com/#/
Yukimi Annand - https://yukimiannand.com/
Yukimi’s website is currently under construction , but you can see some of her work.
Pen Dragons - https://www.pendragonscalligraphy.org/
Carol DuBosch - https://www.caroldubosch.com/
Joy Daniels - http://joydanielscalligraphy.co.uk/
Rachel Yallop - http://www.rachelyallop.co.uk/
NOTE: I received a very nice note from Ms LouAnne Taylor regarding her student that one of her students, Amelia found this link and thought it would be useful. So I am adding it to our list. Thank you so much. One of our main goals is to encourage others to enjoy our art, so here it is and thank you so much! This link is especially great for beginners!
To Be Determined
Due to a lack of much mail at our Post Office box in South Bend we have suspended any mail sent to that address. If you have anything to send to the Michiana Calligraphy Guild, please send to Laurie Heyden, 18292 Courtland Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637 or Renee Tuveson, 928 Finch Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46614.
Our workshops seem to have people sign up and then decide not to attend. We have been very generous in returning monies paid for the workshop if someone decides not to attend at the last minute, but we are going to have a change in this policy. There will be a nominal fee if you drop out of a workshop. If there would be an emergency, for instance the birth of a grandchild, illness, etc., then the board will take this under advisement to decide on a course of action regarding a refund. Also, if the workshop is filled, and there is someone to take your place, that would also qualify for a refund. So please, if you want to sign up foe the workshop, make sure that you put that date on your calendar as a commitment. We have a small calligraphy group and we struggle to fill workshops at times. We need all of you to attend as many as possible so that we can continue to have quality instructors.
If so, look up your favorite calligraphers, because they are on Facebook also. I like to look at Barbara Blose, Reggie Ezell, Julian Waters, John Stevens, Rachel Yallop, Pendragons, Capital City Scribes, Yukimi Annand, etc.. There are lots of beautiful
Just a reminder that if you order from American Frame, please mention MCG, and they will give us a small stipend.
Annual dues of $15 are due at the July meeting. Our annual dues have not changed in many years and are put to good use for supplies for our Make It/Take It at meetings and our annual raffle in August, and in December our donation to local charities. Please remember to bring your dues to the July meeting or send to Laurie Heyden, our treasurer at 18292 Courtland Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46637.
Renee Tuveson, President and Blog, reneetuveson@gmail.com
Marty Mitchell, Vice President, martyjmm@gmail.com
Laurie Heyden, Treasurer, silverbird323@jahoo.com
Judy Theurel, Secretary, judy@theurel.com
Sharon Esmont, Study Group sesmont@aol.com
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