Our July 7 meeting started out with a bang even though we couldn’t shoot any fireworks because of the dry grass in Indiana. Anne Binder demonstrated “baby romans,” and we worked hard at making our letters look somewhat like Anne’s. It is fun to learn a new hand, but even though we know it is the first time we are trying it out, we still want to walk out of the meeting with perfect letters. I hope everyone went home to practice!

Our August meeting was a big success as always with 16 people crammed into my family room due to the muggy conditions outside. We were all just as happy as clams though, sitting “cheek to cheek,” so to speak. First we had our meeting, then exchanged beautiful accordion books, and lastly had a raffle to determine who would win the gift certificate for the Marijo Carney brush lettering class, and Barbara Walsh was the lucky winner. Congratulations Barbara. After all the business was taken care of, we took out all the wonderful food that everyone had contributed and filled our tummies. A special mention to JoAnne Hansell who brought the grape salad that was delicious. I will include the recipe in this newsletter since she graciously gave it out to all who asked. Another special mention is for Sharon Esmont who took all the 3 x 3 pieces we made and laminated them to form a cover for our recipe book. It was a fun time, as always, and I look forward to hosting again next year, God willing, if the creeks don’t rise.
Our September meeting was held at Anne Binder’s home. Anne is coordinating the October 6 “Celebrating: Calligraphy and Book Arts” day at the downtown South Bend library, and we needed to finalize the plans for demonstrating our art and also a talk from Bob Hohl regarding the St. John’s Bible and showing the Denis Brown DVD. The covers for the accordion books were cut out and are ready to go. Please put this date on your calendar and make sure that you refer your friends and family to come and see us in action. You may also want to share the link on your facebook page.
The weekend after Labor Day, I joined the Pendragons in Kalamazoo for a three-day workshop with Pat Blair, who is the White House calligrapher. I had heard about this workshop last year and couldn’t wait to send in my check so I could soak up some of her beautiful lettering. Friday was Pointed Pen Sketchbook, and Saturday/Sunday was the Spencerian lettering class. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be retired so that I can go to a workshop whenever I please and not have to worry about waking up on a Monday morning and going to work. There are some perks to being OLD! Renee Tuveson and I drove to Kalamazoo together on the weekend, and we found we have lots in common. It is never to late to make a new friend!! As always, at a Pendragons workshop, the members are always welcoming and sharing. Just like our own MCG!
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Cartouche by Ginny |
Please keep Barbara Rogan in your thoughts and prayers. She is still recovering from a stroke and is in rehab. Continue to send cards her way.
"Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest. It's about those who came and never left your side ........."
Marijo Carney will be teaching brush lettering for a one-day workshop on October 20, 2012. Cost will be $50. The workshop is full, but we will have a waiting list. We almost had a brush lettering workshop with Marijo a few years ago, but it had to be cancelled, so we are pleased that Marijo will be joining us to teach brush lettering later this year. She had taught design to our guild several years ago. Welcome back, Marijo! This class is for all levels of skill.
Rosie Kelly will be here in the spring of 2013, April 13 & 14, to teach a two-day workshop, topic to be announced. Rosie always brings us fresh, new ideas, and we are always happy to have her with us. Please put these dates on your calendar for next year.
Barbara Mann will be coming to South Bend to teach a two-day workshop on watercolor flowers on October 5 and 6, 2013. Barbara is a member of our guild living in Michigan and gave a workshop several years ago. We are thrilled that she will be joining us again. More information will be forthcoming in the next few months.
Laurie Doctor will be in Kalamazoo in March with the Pendragons Guild. Date to be announced. If you are interested in taking this class, it may be a good idea to join their guild so that you will be sent updates and first preference.
"Practice means to perform, over and over again, in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired." ~Martha Graham
http://www.zillerofkc.com/gallery.html http://www.inkflourishes.blogspot.com/
I enjoy sharing new websites that I have come across in our blog. If you come across something that you think would interest the whole group, please email them to either Ginny, Amber or Renee, and we will get them on the blog for the next quarter.
American Frame – Just a reminder that if you order from American Frame, please mention MCG, and they will give us a small stipend.
"When you have a connection with your work, it also connects you with those who like the same things."
October 6 – Calligraphy Month - We will spend the day at the downtown branch of the South Bend Library listening to a talk from Bob Hohl regarding the St. John’s Bible, a DVD of Denis Brown’s work, and demos by our members including lettering, book binding, and zentangles.
November 3 – Versals – Angie West – Christ the King Church
December – Christmas get together –– Bring a dish to pass – Home of Maureen Trubac. We will also be exchanging a gesture or mark on a 5 x 7 card.
Please note that some of the meetings are not on the first Saturday of the month due to holidays or workshops. Cut this part of the information in the newsletter out, and put it on your fridge.
"An artist is in a constant state of becoming." ~Bob Dylan
Annual dues of $15 are due in July. Our annual dues have not changed in many years and are put to good use for supplies for our make it/take it meetings, annual raffle in August, and, at the end of the year, we give to local charities. Please remember to send your dues to the MCG post office box as soon as possible.
"Alone, letters are the instruments - Together, they become the symphony." ~Mary Dee
Ginny VanderHey, President 574/262-1345 gvanderhey@hotmail.com
Sharon Esmont, Vice President 574/272-5481 Sesmont@aol.com
Maureen Trubac, Treasurer 574/272–0733 maureentrubac@hotmail.com
Amber Schindler, Secretary 574/360-9128 ambermschindler@gmail.com
Jo McPherson, Study Group Chairperson, jobakestwo@centurylink.net
Amber Schindler & Renee Tuveson, Blog Coordinators
If ever you would like to add to the newsletter/blog, please contact one of the officers, and we will get that information to Amber and Renee. Something you have done or have seen would be welcomed into our information.
"We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love." ~Mother Theresa
Grape Salad (JoAnne Hansell)
A bag of green and red grapes
½ cup sour cream
½ cup cream cheese
2 teaspoons vanilla
¼ cup white sugar
Cream the cream cheese and sour cream together.
Add vanilla and white sugar.
Dry the grapes, and stir all together.
Topping: ¼ brown sugar, chopped honey dry roasted peanuts.
Sprinkle on top and chill.
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