Even though I have been a calligrapher for about 16 years, I still have an anxious feeling when someone e-mails or calls me to do a broadside or letter wedding envelopes. That's how I felt when a gal from South Bend called and said that I was recommended to her and could I send samples of my work. Up pops that feeling of "will they like my work." But, I sent a couple of pictures to her via Internet. A few days later, she wrote to say that she liked my work and could I do her envelope addressing. The next thing I knew, I started addressing a list of 219 envelopes and 219 inner envelopes!!! OMG! I tried to calculate how long it would take to do them, but I was way off. I didn't calculate how my hand would get so tired, especially in the afternoon, or that my back would ache from leaning over the desk. To add to that, I could not use my lightbox for the light olive green envelopes, so I had to line them. OY! To say it was a relief to do the last one and proof-read them is an understatement. The best part is that, after she stuffed them all, she wrote to say that they were lovely, and her mother-in-law was impressed. Hooray! As I write this story, I always think of Peter Thornton quoting to us last year, "We see our work for what it isn't and our neighbor's work for what it is." We each try our best every day, and that's all we can ask. Anne Binder always said that "this is the best I can do today." Calligraphy is an art form, and we are the vessels from which the letters are transformed onto paper. Give yourself credit for doing the best you can do everyday. Of course, practicing your calligraphy as much as you can doesn't hurt, either!!!
On July 9, Maureen Trubac led our Saturday study group through a watercolor tissue paper technique. Since having Victoria Pittman in South Bend last year, Maureen has done several pieces using tissue and has come up with some lovely artwork. Everyone used different color combinations, so each piece was completely different. Thanks, Maureen, for showing us a new technique.
For our annual August picnic, we were able to sit outside and enjoy the sounds of summer and each other. We talked about what was coming up in the next few months, did show and tell, did our book raffle (Amber and Anna were the winners this year), and then did our book exchange. Afterwards, we had a wonderful luncheon and enjoyed each other’s company. The picnic is one of the highlights of the year that we all enjoy.

Our September meeting was spent watching The Illuminator, a documentary about The Saint John’s Bible, provided by Amber. We were in utter awe watching and following the steps taken to create a beautiful piece of artwork by Donald Jackson and his team. From the lettering to the illumination, it was a blessing to watch the talent of calligraphers as they create. Thanks, Amber, for sharing!
We also decided at our meeting that, this year, for our annual “Christmas Card Exchange,” we would do something different rather than make cards to share. Everyone has three months to put together a small broadside of your favorite recipe, which does not have to be a Christmas recipe. The recipe must be on an 8 ½ x 11 inch piece of paper of your choosing with a two-inch margin on the left and a 1 – 1 ½ inch top and bottom margin. Then, before the meeting, please make copies of the broadside to exchange with others. Some of our nicer papers, like arches text wove, can be cut and run through a regular printer that we have at home. I’ve already been looking through my thousands of recipes trying to decide which one I would like to do. The broadside is not mandatory to attend the meeting but will be lots of fun. Please bring the original copy with you. The originals will be bound into a booklet and raffled at a later meeting.
"Alone, letters are the instruments - Together, they become the symphony" ~Mary Dee
Louise Grunewald - We are excited that Louise can come to South Bend for a workshop on October 29 & 30, 2011 entitled Making Marks. Louise will also give a lecture on Friday night, October 28, at Christ the King Church to tell us how she got started in her artwork. This lecture is open to the public. Louise is a talented artist that works in marks and watercolors. This newsletter will announce the beginning of registration for this workshop. If you are interested in this workshop, please send your check in the full amount of $110/$125 for non-members to Maureen Trubac, MCG - PO Box 11513, South Bend, Indiana 46601. Supply list will be sent to you upon registration. The workshop will be held from 9 am until 5 pm on both days at the South Bend Regional Museum of Art. Please do not delay in signing up for this workshop!! We still have a couple of slots left for anyone thinking of joining the MCG.
Info regarding the lecture on Friday night from Louise:
Traveling the Artistic Road
The lifetime journey of an artist could be analogous to a long road trip. It includes much anticipation, planning, dreaming, mapping, exploration into unknown territory, detours, unpaved sections, roadblocks, longer hours at the wheel than planned, and every so often the necessity of a new vehicle when the old one is no longer appropriate, or even working. By the time a working artist has passed the half century mark, she has done a fair amount of traveling on the artistic road. If she is growing, there will be an evolution to her work. The process of growing older and the experiences that come with that, will color (literally) the shape and tone and message of the artwork. In this slide talk, I intend to document highlights of my particular journey as a working artist, showing how earlier influences have led to what I am doing today. The emphasis of the presentation will be on current work; however, I will show how I got to this part of my experience with scenes from earlier days. My transition from commercial artist to artist began around the year 2000 and has been the most adventurous part of the artistic road so far. I am now working to please myself, not my clients, and my art has become more experimental, both in the ideas I am exploring and the materials I am choosing to work with. I look forward to sharing my travels with you. ©Louise Grunewald , July 2011
Rosie Kelly – Rosie Kelly will be coming to South Bend on October 1, 2011 to help us experiment with colors and textures on paste paper. I think most of you have gotten the e-mail and/or signed up for this workshop. There is now a waiting list for this workshop, as it is full. The workshop will cost $50. Rosie never fails to disappoint us when she visits South Bend, and we continue to learn from her expertise. The workshop will be held at Christ the King Church on Cleveland Road in South Bend from 9 am – 5 pm.
"Perfect is good ----- Finished is better"
Dave Wood on You Tube:
American Frame – Just a reminder that if you order from American Frame, please mention MCG, and they will give us a small stipend.
"Lettering is the magic that makes me whole." ~Collene Kalb
October 1 – Rosie Kelly – Christ the King Church - 9 to 5
October 28 - Louise Grunewald Lecture – Christ the King Church – Free! 6 – 7 pm
October 29/30 – Louise Grunewald Workshop – Making Marks - 9 to 5
November 5 – Grinding Ink and Lettering
December 3 – Christmas Meeting and Carry-in at Barbara Rogan’s – Recipe Exchange
January 7 - Cut Out Letters – Diana Stamper Demo
February 4 - Gilding Letters – Amber Schindler
Upcoming in 2012 – Jacqueline Sullivan April 28 & 29 – Visual Poetry and Marijo Carney – Brush Lettering – September 8
Please note that some of the meetings are not on the first Saturday of the month due to holidays or workshops. Cut this part of the information in the newsletter out, and put it on your fridge.
Annual dues of $15 are due in July. Our annual dues have not changed in many years and are put to good use for supplies for our make it/take it meetings, annual raffle in August, and, at the end of the year, we give to local charities. Please remember to send your dues to the MCG post office box as soon as possible.
Ginny VanderHey, President 574/262-1345 gvanderhey@hotmail.com
Sharon Esmont, Vice President 574/272-5481 Sesmont@aol.com
Maureen Trubac, Treasurer 574/272–0733 maureentrubac@hotmail.com
Amber Schindler, Secretary 574/360-9128 ambermschindler@gmail.com
Jo McPherson, Study Group Chairperson, jobakestwo@centurylink.net
Amber Schindler & Renee Tuveson – Blog Coordinators
If ever you would like to add to the newsletter/blog, please contact one of the officers, and we will get that information to Amber and Renee. Something you have done or have seen would be welcomed into our information.
"Creativity is subjective, and your art will find its tribe. Your dream has its own heartbeat. Listen for it." ~Patti Digh
Pen Dragons – The Pen Dragons of Kalamazoo will be hosting Barbara Close for a workshop on September 17 & 18 and another workshop with Barbara on September 19. Check out her website to see her work: http://www.bcdezigns.com/BCgallery.htm. The Pen Dragons are very warm and welcoming when you are part of their workshops. They usually fill their workshops, so if you are interested in being a participant in one of their workshops, you may want to consider being a Pen Dragons member to get first dibs! Next year, they will be hosting Pat Blair, White House Calligrapher, in Kalamazoo.
Artful Retreat – Have you ever considered how music, sound or silence affects, informs and directs you? In the pristine northern Michigan woods, we have the unique advantage of entraining our bodies to the healing frequencies and harmonics of nature—creating a more centered and grounded awareness within our work and our lives. The annual Artful Retreat will be held from October 16 – 22, 2011 at Lake Louse in Michigan. Please contact Karen Vosburg or Joya Helmuth for more information or go to www.artfulretreat.com. This year Pam Paulsrud, a mixed media artist from Chicago, will be joining the Artful Retreat.
Imagine five colorful autumn days in a spacious and sunlit lodge, nestled in the beautiful northern Michigan woods, on the shores of a crystal clear lake. Now imagine yourself with these same five uninterrupted days (minus kids, dogs, well-meaning spouses, and daily obligations) to totally immerse yourself in a stimulating workshop in a great studio space, working anytime day or night that you choose.
Leisure activities include kayaking, hiking, and shopping in the nearby towns of Petoskey (on Little Traverse Bay) and Charlevoix, located on the channel connecting beautiful Lake Charlevoix and Lake Michigan.
Reggie Ezzell
Variations on Carolingian
Sat. and Sun. Nov. 12-13, 2011
Columbus, OH (Whitehall)
$150 Calligraphy Guild of Columbus member
$175 non-member
$75 deposit by Oct. 15, 2011
Contact information: ilovlttrs@mac.com
A workshop with Reggie Ezzell
Modern Design
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011 9:30 am to 5 pm
Tuition $75 - Materials fee $15
New Albany Library Conference Room, 200 Market St. New Albany, OH 43054
Contact: Sandy Mundy, e-mail ilovlttrs@mac.com or telephone 614-338-1301
"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you always know they are there."